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About foufouche77

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  1. If fact i think i make a mistake with theses words STAIN and DYE In tandy's book they said : leather DYES which pénétrate the leather color STAIN and ANTIQUE which must be removed quickly BLOCK OUT and FINISH So if i understand, i can dye/color and apply finish, or put stain/antique (over dye/color) and apply finish But if i do not want to put stain or antique over some part, i must apply a block out or super shene I hope i am now clear for ideas Thanks for your help Thanks for the answer and advices I will try theses books And i'll post some leather work soon
  2. 48 views and no answer !!! I don't understand why ? Are my questions not right ? Thanks to help me
  3. Hi all I'm new on this site (I learnt a lot viewing posts) First of all, I wish you a happy new year 2009 I french and did some leather work And as I don't understand very well english I think I made mistakes Would you be fine to correct ideas and answer question What I understand : 1) dye / stain / oil penetrate leather 2) color (cova for example) stay on top, of the leather Several methods : 1) dye or color then / finishe or oil 2) dye or color then oil, then stain (removed) then finish or oil My main problem is with stain I tried dye, oil, stain , finishe, but when I removed stain, it deasapeard even in the tooled down parts !!! Perhaps the oil has to not be put in the tooled parts ? (just on top !!!) Or it's not the right product I used dye and color from France, super shene and stain from Tandy Thanks for your help and have a good day
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