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Rivet Seeker

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Everything posted by Rivet Seeker

  1. Having too many email accounts and profiles on different sites is distracting and a waste of time. I won't need to ask anybody on these forums anything, I've figured out a way to work around the issue, and I know enough about leather for my particular situation. I was saying that I didn't find any information about how to delete an account. That is strange and there should be an option somewhere to simply delete your account and posts. Of course there is plenty of information on this site in general, but I didn't see any about profile and post deletion. When I posted, I didn't notice that it was a holiday in the USA. I'm from Canada. I understand that people like to have days off work. Though there should be an option to delete your own posts and delete your own account. Some people don't like receiving extra emails on top of what they already have.
  2. How do I delete my account? I made an account because I was planning to contact somebody about supplies, but then found out that I didn't need to. I don't need a leatherworker.net account for any reason. I already looked around the site and didn't see any information on it, and I sent an email to the administrator email address, but there was no reply. Who is in charge of account management?
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