Can anyone help me ID this machine? A buddy here is moving back from Texas to Arizona and didnt want to carry this back.... so they gave it to me. It was given to his wife... only info was that it was out of an upholstry shop in Phoenix that at one time made parachutes for the govt/ Have a "made in Japan" tag so Im guessing prob 60's/70's? Cant find a model number anywhere. (only has a SN# tag) Came with a brand new in the box variable speed dc servo motor just like the one I have on my Cobra class 4. Im hoping this eventually may be a good lighter weight machine for flat goods. They had someone clean, lube and check timing about 2 yrs back and she used it for a while for some upholstery and bags...said it was FAST. Then the original motor bit the dust and they bought the new servo motor but never installed it. Its been gathering dust in the garage ever since. Dirty and used but looks like a solid unit
Anyone have an idea of a model number? ( and no I havent sent an email to Consew customer service yet) . Gonna need some cleanup and paint, but I have high hopes for it. Particularly interested in what kind of bobbins it needs ( she wasnt sure if she had the right ones but it seemed to work)