I figured I should introduce myself...
I go by Roadkill! I work with a Christian Scouting Program and took a class that was given by a local (3+ hours away) Tandy manager and was impressed...
My oldes took the class and REALLY enjoyed it!
I decided to start doing leather stuff recently to HOPEFULLY do knife sheaths for a buddy who makes knives. No luck on that yet but have friends asking me to make them stuff...
I do reenactments and thought I could do some things for that too...
Anyway, here is a pic of my first project! (many more to come!)
I'm learning tooling now... I'm trying to set up a portable set for when I go on a no family vacation (read Deployment) with some scraps and such so I can use some of my down time to practice my new trade!
PS, I'm still searching for the best wat to dye and finish my projects! Any help would be GREAT!