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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    Holster making

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  1. Nice looking rigs!!! (LOL, just found all the cool smilies you could do!)
  2. Excellent Points!!! I will take these into consideration next time!
  3. Well, Here is my third attempt at a holster... I must say, it looks better than the other two! I have some proper tools and am learning more "tricks" every time I make something else. Feedback would be appreciated on improvements/changes.
  4. Hello, as you all know I am new to this and appreciate all of the great information I've been given. I have one more question to bug you all with. After finishing my last holster (a pancake style), I feel it is a little flimsy and was wondering how people harden their holsters. I have already put shoe polish on the outside of it, but was wondering if boiling the whole thing in parafin wax could hurt anything. Would this harden the holster? Would it mess with the finish of the gun? Any help would be appreciated!
  5. So could I use the dividers to scribe a line and recess my stitches a little? Is this also know as a creaser? I just sunk a lot into tools and would like to consolidate if possible for now.
  6. OK, size 3 it is... And a rough washcloth or maybe some denim to slick the edges. Is the saddler's groover what people use to get those lines along the top and bottom edge of the holster? I know its used to recess stitches, but is it also use for those little detail lines as well?
  7. I am new to this and will be purchasing a Tandy edge beveler. What size do you recommend for veg tanned leather holsters? I was thinking 2 or 3. Also, can I just use water and the nylon edge slicker to get a pretty good edge, or do I have to use that gum taracanth? Anyone have any experience with the freehand stitch groover? Is this what you use to make those grooves along the top and bottom edge of the holster?
  8. I just finished making my first holster, actually my first time working with leather period. The only experience I have had sewing was when I made a pillow in home-ec. I couldn't find a holster out there that was like this, and the rest of the tuckable holsters were like $100 bucks... I have $14 in this one! I don't have the proper tools, I used a punch similar to an icepick w/ a screwdriver handle to punch the holes and regular sewing needles to stitch the sinew ( I broke like 8 needles). Guys let me know what you think, what I could have done better, etc. I might have cut he holster a little low... exposing too much of the trigger guard. It tests out to be extremely concealable with a tucked in shirt and very comfortable sitting and standing. I used veg. tanned leather and am thinking of using shoe polish to finish/seal it. Any reccomendations?
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