Hey everyone...longtime lurker, first time poster
I recently picked up one of those cheap chinese leather patchers, and as a fun shop project decided to add some v-belt pulleys and a motor so I wouldn't have to hand crank it anymore. I thought folks here might like to see the final outcome, testing it with a few layers of leather and looking at the stitch quality.
Animated gif of the machine operating: https://i.imgur.com/8D0ZGKZ.gifv
Sewing test with leather: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWmX6pZ1bA4
For whatever reason, I was under the assumption that DP-35 / 134x35 needles would work in the patcher... thought I had read that somewhere. Well, they are too long and it messes up the timing. Luckily you can just cut/grind them to size and everything works as expected, even though they don't have a flat. I found a lot more chisel point options in DP-35 than Hax1, as well as larger sizes. In the video I'm using size 69 polyester thread, but have used 92 as well. The leather being tested is maybe ~4oz oil-tanned pullup. It's not supple, but not super stiff either. The four-layer test was about 7.5mm thick. I should have grabbed some stiff tooling leather but didn't think about it in time.
All in all, the project was fun and a good practice project. Learned a lot along the way, and everything even mostly works Some issues like awful runout on the motor pulley, but all unimportant given the application, so I'm happy with how it turned out.
If anyone is interested in the build itself, I essentially fabricated a v-belt pulley that mounts on the cast iron crank flywheel. A smaller cast pulley is mounted onto a "hoverboard" hub motor. These are cheap ($30 new, $15 used) brushless motors that have crazy high torque relative to their price (7-12Nm). They are designed to direct-drive humans around at low RPM, so they are perfect for something like driving a slow speed leather machine. It's a brushless motor, so can be controleld with a cheap hobby ESC and servo tester (for PWM signal). Right now everything is just bolted down to a 2x4 and clamped to my bench, but I plan on making a nicer tripod since the one that came with the machine is garbage.