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  1. I almost forgot.............Tonyc1, I was in Tasmania in 1977 aboard the USS Enterprise. What a fantastic lovely place. We spent four days in port there at Hobart and I had a blast. Toured the entire island. Met a guy named Peter Blood who claimed to be a direct desendant of Captain Blood (probably BS) Would like to go back someday.........
  2. Thanks for the feedback guys................ TwinOaks............I live in Mobile too! Damn it's a small world. As to your suggestion to buy soles only and make my own uppers, I thought about that but didn't know if say snakeskin for instance would be strong enough to not break......... Ian..............yes, I know the Chinese have a monopoly these days on trade but there is vietnam, indonesia ect. Rickyfro..............These would be "designer Flops" @ $100.00 plus a pop. Don't think they will be anywhere near water Jordon..........What is a clicker? Is it something that stamps out soles? Anyway I'm thinking leather bottoms are the way to go or maybe a combo of leather and rubber. Leatherbum..........yes, "Made in America" definately has marketing cache, especially if it is "handmade" Anyway keep the ideas coming. TwinOaks, maybe we should get together since I have no experience in leatherworking and you obviously do. I am a business guy though and if the idea proves feasible I know how to get it off the ground. email me at chuck@athelstanclub.org
  3. Hi gang ...............I am a newbie to this site and look forward to reading all the helpful and informative post. Whenever I don't know much (or anythng) about something I'm interested in I always look to the forums for a crash course I live on the coast and I am thinking about creating a little side business to make custom made flip flops using exotic hides. It seems to me that the smart thing to do would be to order the flip flops from a chinese manufacturer or exporter and then cover the upper straps with hide from an exotic skins dealer. Does this sound reasonable/feasible to you? What are the inherent problems I am not considering? What would be the best way to attach the hide to the existing upper? stitch? glue? As you have guessed by now I really don't what the hell I'm doing at this point other than daydreaming! I do think there is a market out there for this kind of thing because I spent about an hour this morning online trying to find a pair of crocodile flip flops and the only thing I could find was a Ralph Lauren product for $1600.00!!!! Holy Sh_t! or maybe I could'nt find something because there is NO market for it..............Anyway, I would like to hear everyones opinion on the subject as someone who has experience to fall back on. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Thanks
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