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Everything posted by cocojen

  1. thanks for this, that was a great read. dang those instructions in the kit about sponging the leather to case it!
  2. thanks, ill look those up. i feel i was having issues because its new to me. which leads me to another question... I am right handed, is there a specific way to hold the tool and mallet? this also might be because I'm so new to all this but it doesn't feel right yet with the tool in my left and and mallet in my right. or maybe its a matter of where I am working. the table was pretty small. i try to find a better set up.
  3. This is my first post here, got a kit for christmas (added leatherworking stuff to my list after I took a class at tandy). Here's a pic of my first 2 rounders. I had a real hard time casing them. One too much and one not enough (I think). I think I'm going to buy some scrap pieces and practice more before I move to the rest of the kit. And I'll be scouring this forum for stuff on proper casing... Anyone have other patterns they recommend to practice? I might redo the flower rounder again until I feel better about the outcome. Any tips and input welcome!
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