Hi Bob,
That may be but my real concern is the dishonesty and misrepresentation he gave me over and over. He told me on 4/1/15 that if I got my deposit to him by the following Monday, he would get my tree ordered so my saddle would be in the next batch grouping;
4/10/15 Hi Frank, Yes I did get your check, I'll finish up a few saddles, so I don't get confused, I'll call you shortly before I get started.
7/29/15 Next Thursday (Jeremy Stead)
7/29/15, at 2:52 PM, Frank Johnson wrote:Hi Jeremy, Just checking to see if you have a rough estimate as to when my saddle might be done? 7/1/15 Very close yes, Friday morning I hope. (Jeremy Stead 903-217-8974)
7/1/15, at 6:25 PM, Frank Johnson wrote: Hi Jeremy, Any closer to starting my saddle?
9/3/15 I haven't, I'm waiting on the tree, should be here before the end of the week (Jeremy Stead)
9/3/15, 2015, at 11:42 AM, Frank Johnson wrote: Have you started my saddle?
Just to make matters worse, he won't refund the money ($150.00) I paid for the Breast Collar which after receiving it, I discovered he did not make it the right length so I shipped it back via FedEx. He told the BBB in Dallas that he sent what he was supposed to and didn't know anything about the special length. I sent him a minimum of 6 emails with the specs and he acknowledged same:
9/15/15 OK, now I can't sieve through all those emails.
I have your breast collar info. I only need the saddle info please. (Jeremy Stead)
I can't quite figure out how he got so many compliments on his work, etc. I never asked him for any discounts. I paid him exactly as he asked and both times ran the check to h=the post office on the same day he requested payment. The garbage saddle and tack I received from him look like they were made by a beginner nothing at all like what he has on his website.
Lastly, when I complained about the problems and asked for a refund on the Breast Collar, His Reply was: "Too Funny"
Can you believe it? I still can't understand how he stays in business except for "what he displays" on the website.