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About Trish

  • Birthday 07/11/1953

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  • Location
    Lake Gaston, Va

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    anything leather
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  1. happy birthday

  2. Trish

    Lots Of Leather

    I have 2 large plastic tubs of leather + some rolls. The pics help give a representation of the leather.....there's more than shown in pics. This is nice leather, different thicknesses, colors, embossed, etc. I originally bought this to make leather handbags. I also have 3 large canvas totes of leather scraps....great for lots of small craft making projects! I recently closed my business, and we are in the process of relocating. The tubs weigh approx 70 lbs each, so I think shipping would be extremely expensive. I'm asking $500 for the entire lot. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you! Trish
  3. The Artisan has been sold. The Juki is still available. All offers would be considered. We are trying to downsize our stuff to re-locate soon. Thanks for looking!
  4. I wanted to add, that if I'm asking too much....please feel free to make me an offer.....we are trying to downsize on things to re-locate soon.....so any offer would be considered.....thanks!
  5. Trish

    Thread Size 138

    I have 17 spools of 138 thread. Most are 16 oz bonded Linhanyl, with the exception of the purple and hot pink. The hot pink is actually polyester. These colors are new, unused: Oyster Burnt Orange Black Red Med Gray Green Purple Small Natural These colors are slightly used....only to put on a bobbin, and sew one trim.....so I would say they are a 98% spool: Brown Natural Yellow Light Gray Cocoa Latte Sand Hot Pink One spool of black I would say is 50% used. With the exception of the purple and hot pink, these spools cost $17.99 each plus shipping. I didn't include the small spool in the front(I'm making it a giveaway). It is also a new unused spool. You would be saving $100. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Email: twix@buggs.net
  6. We are downsizing and planning on relocating in the future.....reason for sale......the Artisan is in like new condition. I purchased it a little over a year ago. It comes with the Toro double (long) toe outside foot, and lots of extra bobbins. The Juki LS 341 is in very nice condition. It's a great machine! I also have extra feet(zipper & welting/cording foot), lots of bobbins, replaced the hook, and added a new lamp. I am asking: Juki - $1700 Artisan - $1600 I have a lot of other items for sale......tons of fabric, 2 large totes of leather, leather tools, hardware, etc......if interested, please email me at twix@buggs.net Thanks for looking!
  7. When I bought this, I thought I was going to get a lot of use from it, but it turned out I didn't. I used it only a couple of times. It is in like new condition. Here's where I bought it from: http://apps.webcreat...ProductID=17482 Price new is $366.50 + shipping. I'm asking $300.00 + shipping. If interested, please email me at twix@buggs.net Thanks!
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