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    Anything technical, reading, teaching, woodworking, gardening, technical writing, usability, and just getting started in leatherworking.

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    Maybe someday...
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    Making Kindle covers

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  1. Hi Druid, Thanks - those are very nice but I prefer the more complex weave of the Craftool version. And thanks for the vocabulary lesson! That will help me search. My Irish/Scottish grandparents were more into leprechauns than Celtic symbology.
  2. Hello, I'm looking for a Celtic Trinity Stamp similar to the one shown. Willing to pay a reasonable price but trying to avoid buying an entire set that I don't really need. Any leads appreciated!
  3. Thanks! I contacted Amazon and they're going to send a replacement overnight delivery so hopefully this time it will get here without freezing.
  4. Hi all, I'm new here, little leatherworking experience yet but learning a lot from the forums! Does anyone have experience with using Fiebing's Edge Kote after it's been frozen? Is it still OK to use? I found an old post elsewhere in the forums that listed Edge Kote as not being adversely affected by freezing but I don't think that was based on personal experience and now the Edge Kote bottle says do not freeze. I'm asking because even though I've specified no weekend deliveries for my Amazon account, Amazon made a Sunday delivery and left the package in our mailbox in 15 degree weather. I just found it when I went to get today's mail and the Edge Kote is frozen solid. If that will damage it, I'd like to know so I can return it. Being new to leathercrafting, I haven't used Edge Kote yet so I don't know what it's like when it hasn't been frozen!
  5. I needed a lightweight free/cheap portable stamp holder for at least eight stamps that would keep things clean and protected. I didn't want to use a roll-up tool holder, though I may make one in the future. So I saved the plastic French's Original French Fried Onions 6 Oz Can from our annual Thanksgiving green bean casserole. I had some leftover pieces of 3" thick soft foam -- memory foam type stuff from a dog bed project, I think. I cut a hunk of foam about 3x2x4" and trimmed corners so it would fit in the French's container. The foam was soft enough that I could squish it down and punch eight holes through it using the largest punch on my rotary punch. So far so good, except that the foam was so soft it squished down too much when I tried to insert stamps. And the lid on the container was too easy to lose. Duct tape fixed all that. I used strips of duct tape to cover all of the foam piece except the top end of the punched holes, using sticky side out for the first layer over the bottom end of the holes and being very careful not to compress the foam. I also used several layers of white duct tape to make a hinge for the lid. Now stamps can be inserted and removed easily and there's a bit of space left at one end where I could fit other small items - for now I just have a filler piece of taped foam in there. It's solid enough to turn upside down and shake without having anything shift, but to be extra safe I'm going to tape a thin piece of foam inside the top of the lid (as soon as I find where a relative put the double-sided tape!). It's not fancy and would have been easier to make with stiffer foam and a squarer container with a better lid...but it works great. And I didn't have to spend a cent!
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