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Posts posted by mclazic

  1. Hi,

    I am interested in making tooled leather goods.Bracelets,wallets,belts and maybe coasters.I do have limited experience,have made tooled bracelets using: Eco flo pro waterstain,Angelus and Eco flo leather dye with Fiebings Acrylic Resolene.I didnt have a chance test them for long period. Eco leather dye seems like a disaster,it leaks/rubs off like crazy even after resolene.Maybe Resolene is bad choice for it. Angelus seems nice but it can wrinkle.Eco pro waterstain is best stuff I have seen so far so I have decided to go for it as it doesnt rub off and colors are vibrant.

    I cant get stuff I need in my country and rarely have a chance to order from outside.So,before ordering I wanted to ask you for advice on how to proceed.What should I use with Eco pro waterstain regarding finishes/waxes/creams?I am interested in sating/matt finishes.Resolene is too shiny for my taste and wrinkles a lot,especially on bracelets(I presume it would on wallets as well).Resolene is a no go for coasters either as heavy/hot cups leave marks on it. I have tried mixing it with 50% water but got very similar results.

    My main worry is stain leaking.Eco flo Satin Shene seems like most straight forward choice but I am not sure if its good enough to stop leaking if items get wet?

    I would be very grateful for advice.


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