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About sixpence668

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    New Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Milwaukee, WI

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Costuming and carving
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. Yep, that was it exactly. Thank you for the help! Now to go fight with my foot pressure...
  2. I've owned my Consew 226 for a good 10 years now, using it mostly for garment weight (1-2 oz) leather. I'm now doing a project that will involve sewing two layers of belt leather (approx. 8-10 oz). I sat down to give it a go and the machine sewed through the material with no problem! However, there were two issues that I was looking to correct. 1) The pressure of the walking foot was marring the surface of the leather, and 2) the bobbin tension appeared to be too tight, so that the bobbin thread wasn't pulling up into the stitch holes. I did a bunch of research on this forum and elsewhere, especially Uwe's excellent youtube videos, and I think I figured out what needed to be done. However, once I finished making the tweaks, now my top thread is binding up and snapping. I've traced the problem to the bobbin, but I'm not sure how to address it. Some pictures of my set-up: I also shot a video of the stitch action, to illustrate the issue: I'm currently using a size 22 leather needle, with #138 nylon on the top and #92 in the bobbin. In an attempt to diagnose the issue myself, I went through Uwe's instructions on adjusting the timing, and everything appeared to be right where it needs to be. Any thoughts on how to correct the bobbin issue would be greatly appreciated! (Also, the foot is still marking the leather, but I'll try to address that again after she's stitching properly)
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