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  • Interests
    Sewing all types of handbags and backpacks, learning machine repair, and binder attachments

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Making leather purses
  • Interested in learning about
    Using an industrial sewing machine and how to adjust/repair
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    surfing the web

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  1. Thank you so much for your help! I wish I knew more, but I am learning. Have a great day. Thanks again, Betty
  2. Thank you so much! I did what you suggested but it did not fix the issue.I have found the problem. There is a small section of large threads on the arm shaft that has broken off preventing the spindle head from catching. I have had no luck finding a replacement arm shaft. Any ideas? Thank you, Betty
  3. Thank you so much! I did loosen the feed cam by mistake. I did not remove the timing belt. My adjusters manual does not explain how to time the feed cam. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you, Betty
  4. Hi, Thank you for your replies. My machine is a Singer cylinder arm machine 47w66 model # EW047696. Also, this machine is not a walking foot machine. You are right; this machine does not have reverse. I have not removed the timing belt. When I turn the handwheel (with the motor off) the machine feeds the fabric in the reverse direction. How do I adjust the feed cam to make the machine sew forward? Also, is the upper shaft ( the one above the hook driving shaft) is that supposed to move? Thank you all for your help.
  5. Hi, I replaced the hook assembly on my cylinder arm machine and set the timing. I started to sew and the machine will only sew backwards. What did I do wrong? Please help. thank you
  6. Hi All, I am a newbie and just purchased my first industrial machine from a charity. I found the manual on line and cleaned, adjusted, and added new oil. I turned it on and did not see oil in the window after 2 mins, so I turned it off. I took the screen off the oil pump to make sure it wasn't dirty or filled with lint. It was fine so I reinstalled. Also, I checked the impeller and it does turn with manually turning the hand wheel. Could I have a clog in a pipe somewhere? Should I replace the oil pump? Or the wicks? Any help would be greatly appreciated since the nearest Singer dealer is far away from me. Thank you
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