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Everything posted by xenajo

  1. Thanks Glenn will keep that in mind
  2. Final update, one repair man gave up, thankfully the second repair man was more up on these machines and after a few hours found out the issue. The part where the shuttle sits needed bending a bit to make the fit tighter and took some of the excessive 'play' out of the shuttle. A couple of other minor alterations and she works perfectly. In the end it needed a knowledgeable person to eliminate things until he found the problem. I would still be in the same situation now if I had tried to fix myself. Just wanted to thank you all for your help and advice, appreciate your time and expertise.
  3. Well the parts arrived and the pinion was half the size of the one on my machine. The new shuttle hook doesn't look much better then the one I've got but I tried it anyway and still doesn't work . So I have called a repair guy in tomorrow to have a look as the parts are costing me more money and they are not fixing the problem. Will let you know what the outcome is.
  4. Thanks, I have ordered mine from college sewing so will have to check it when it arrives, fingers crossed!
  5. Ok here is my bobbin shuttle. I think to play safe I will get a new shuttle and a new shuttle driving pinion. Will let you know when they arrive Thank you so much for the advice so far
  6. Thanks for the advice so far, I have taken a photo of the rack box and the shuttle driving pinion. I am going by the manual i printed off for another 29K but not the same as mine but this part looks the same. There appears a little wear on the parts but not sure if its enough to make a difference. I noticed there is a bit of play in the driving pinion, would this cause the problem?
  7. No the thread is covering the tip
  8. I just got this machine which needed a bit of a clean up and a few small parts. The needle pack that came with it are 29x4 3 size 22, the thread also came with the machine so I am assuming this was used with the machine as it was in the small wooden draw of the machine. The needle is pretty much rubbing against the shuttle so I it looked good to me, don't think it can get much closer. When the shuttle is in motion it just seems to be just short of catching the thread. If I move the shuttle with my finger to push it just pass the needle it seems to pick up the thread.
  9. I have a 29K 1 here is the photo of the bobbin and shuttle
  10. Hi there The thread is not being caught by the shuttle hook, it appears the hook falls short by a couple of mm so the thread just misses it. Any advice on how to adjust it. Will post a photo showing the point where is just short of catching the thread shortly. Thanks
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