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Everything posted by Saxnn

  1. OK so I made a pattern, cut it out and went to wailing on it with my Seiwa chisel, got to the end where I make a right turn and the last hole doesn't quite make it to my groove...............finished it out because it was just a practice piece, but man it's ugly!!! Do you just have to measure it out every time before you make your grooves? I'm sure that's it lol but it's late at night and I'm dead tired and not thinking clearly!
  2. Hehe interesting thing happened today! I stopped by a minute market in a little strip mall today. Strip mall has a small shoe repair shop in it and I decided to introduce myself to the owner and see if he could point me in the right direction for supplies and contacts. Went in and introduced myself and told him that I have a bad addiction to Leatherwork and did he know a local 12 step group! Anyway when I mentioned I do leather work, he looked at me like I was a smokin hot 18 year old virgin!!! He's so busy in his shop with the shoes that he has given up on any custom leather work and has to turn people away every week! He offered to pass out my business cards and to hook me up with a leather supplier! I haven't been at the leather working thing for very long and I'm a little worried that my skills might not be good enough. I'm going to take him a few of my done items and see what he thinks.... wish me luck!
  3. Right that was my thought! Maybe find another up and coming leatherworker on here and sub-contract a few jobs out. Have the items come to you first so you can make sure the quality control is good!
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