New guy with new questions. I have made about half a dozen pancake style holsters so far and seem to be doing well. I had no one to teach me other than reading and word of mouth. So I have been plotting out my back piece the. I cut a rough over sized piece for the front. I lay the gun on the back piece and then mold the wet piece over the gun. Then cook it on low checking it often, take it out just a little before completely dry then finish drying over a light bulb. Then lay it against the back piece mark it and cut off the excess. Then glue, burnish, dye, stitch and finish. I've read on here and other places that a lot of people cut the back and front same size glue and stitch it then wet form by sticking the gun in. Am I doing it wrong the way I've been doing it. I seem to have good retention as long as I pay attention to boneing good and stitch close. Will I get more the other way. It certainly seems I will waste less leather. Are there advantages to this way over what I have been doing? Thanks in advance guys.