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  1. Once I dyed it up, the spots didn't show up at all as you can see. It's a decent first attempt I thought, and I finally have a pouch that fits my phone.
  2. Thanks! That's very interesting, I wonder how I got iron fillings on there but regardless now I know what I'm looking for.
  3. The veg tanned leather, about 2mm thick, formed these blue specks after being clamped and sitting for only about 4 hours. This is my first wet forming, and also I used untreated wood which was intended for construction. Any idea if that was the cause? Could mold form that quickly on the leather? Thanks! Flexo
  4. That's really cool, but I'm afraid that the lacing might interfere with the string. I like how you incorporated a shooting glove for shooting off the hand though. I've been making some archery stuff as well, by the way, here's some pics.
  5. Wow, there's another person from Jersey here! I'm stunned! :D Howdy do? I'd love to pick your brain sometime. Your store is ridgewayleather.com?
  6. I have been looking through threads here and wanted to say how fantastic it is to see how much time energy and effort by the pros have gone into helping the new people. Bravo, ladies and gentlemen, bravo for being such kind souls.
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