Ah I got ya, thanks for the tip, I will let you know how it turns out. Should I clean the leather with the saddle soap with the oil based black as well or is it more important with alcohol.
Alright I will try that, I did a belt that way, but I used a brush around the designs and a dauber for the rest and you could tell what was used where, was that something I did wrong or was it because of the dye? I used fiebings usmc black for that.
I'm making a motorcycle seat and I would like to have the design in color and the background and the rest of the seat black. In previous projects I used echo Flo cova colors, used super shene to cover them and then a brown stain for the rest, but I am thinking a black stain won't look good for the seat and was thinking a dye would be better. Any tips on doing the background without getting any on the design? Any way to do a resist and then go over it all or do I need to paint around it.
Thanks in advance!