Hello everyone! I've only been leatherworking for about a year now and I'm completely hooked. This is my first post here and I'm excited to hear your advice.
I'm having a problem with Tandy's Mahogany Gel Antique rubbing off after the project is finished. I am using it to dye the whole project. Basically I love the deep tones and the marbling effect I get from it. I got toothpaste on a toiletry bag I made and when I wiped it off, I noticed the cloth was red... even after it was finished with resolene. Here is my process:
1. Apply the antique with a sponge
2. Remove excess with paper towel
3. Let dry overnight
4. Apply Resolene
Perhaps I need to let it dry longer? I know not everyone is a fan of this Tandy product, But I love how dark it gets when applied over stitch grooves, tooling or other imperfections.
I have tried fiebings mahogany Antique paste and felt that it was way too light and didn't have that black cherry color that I like. I have also tried fiebings oxblood leather dye. This was close but a little too red and it didn't darken in the impressions the way I like like.
I'm making a messenger bag for a friend and I'm afraid that if she gets caught in a rain storm, the dye will get all over her clothes.
I'll attach a couple projects I've made with the Tandy Gel Antique including the toiletry bag.