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About mike6644

  • Birthday 12/17/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Egg Harbor Twp, NJ
  • Interests
    Civil War Reenacting, American History, Shooting, Reloading, Paramedic

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    New Guy
  • Interested in learning about
    Tooling techniques
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Thanks so much. That should work perfectly.
  2. I am thinking of making one of those valet trays since it will be a relatively simple beginner project for me. I was thinking of using cotton flannel or pigskin as the lining, leaning toward the flannel since I have remnants lying around the house begging to be used. Anyone have any pointers to make it look good? Will it fix nicely with something as simple as contact cement or will I need another method? Thank, Mike
  3. Hi Everyone, I am about one week into this adventure. I work night shift and this gave me something to look at when that 3 o'clock hour rolled around. I picked up a starter kit from Tandy, in searching through the forum I then noticed a trend, and have really taken to the craft. In starting to tool and work on my projects I had some unanswered questions. I am still a bit lost when it comes to some of the processes from start to finish, such as edge finishing and treating the leather. I have tried to do some looking and everyone seems to have their own way of doing things. Is it just trial and error? Can you point me toward some online resources and some good books for beginners? I realize this may have been covered in another topic somewhere, so if you know of something please pass it on. I was also wondering if anyone knows where to find any good patterns. I work in EMS and would like to learn how to make a good quality radio pouch with either a belt clip or carry strap. I am also a Civil War reenactor and one of my eventual goals is to make my own historical leather goods (cartridge and cap boxes, belts, holsters, etc.) Any information would be helpful. I am in southern New Jersey, so unfortunately my resources are limited when it comes to the physical world. Thanks, Mike
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