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  1. One way of doing it as well is using the tip (like in your right side picture), but gently score the leather over the curve you are wanting to make. Then go back and cut it out all the way through. It is easier shown than explained. Here is another way of looking at it. Push the knife around the corner, but don't cut all the way through. Just make it enough that it gives you a guide. After that is done, go back and cut it (using the tip of the knife) all the way through.
  2. I am digging the idea. Count me in (if there is still an option) and I can ship internationally as well.
  3. I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the advice. I ended up fixing the project and it turned out nice considering it was a mess earlier. I was kind of surprised to find that I didn't even have to use the black oil dye to fix it up. All I did was put 2 more coats of the same spirit die on it, added more in spots that wasn't soaking it as well, then buffed. If I run into issues again, your suggestions will definitely help. Again, I appreciate it. Adam
  4. Hey all, I made a mistake with my coloring somehow. I put on some Tandy HiLite, but the color came out a little off. So in trying to save it I had the not so bright idea of trying to switch over to straight black spirit based dye. Obviously the two didn't go well together since one is water based and the other spirit based. At this point I am just wanting to start over and then give it a straight black look. Will deglazer work for this or should I use something like acetone? Thanks for your time! Adam
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