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  1. I have a large project that needs a covering for dye. In the past I have never been pleased with options of traditional leather products. Lately, I have used mop and glow and am pleased with the outcome for various reasons. But the smell is to fruity. lol. Quick Shine I have tried but it appears to be a completely different type of covering, not even being an acrylic polymer. Anyone have any long term experiences with QuickShine? Thank you.
  2. Really good info here. Thank you. I am sure it is the salts but I just can't figure our why. The dye job looks so great for about a week but once it hits the sun forgetaboutit.
  3. Excellent idea. Let me try and track that down. Thank you.
  4. Thank you Tom for your comments. Yes, I have tried "dry" dying, wet dying and it all does the same. There is not a variation from edges to middle. These hides are a dry wet/blue if you know what I mean. A handful of hides were green and they accepted the dye the best but are now fasing back to green. Weird for me but someone is going to know what is happening.
  5. Is this the same thing? Thank you.
  6. Wow, you could give a class on sharpening blades...really incredible.
  7. Here's the feibings I used and the pro is the same if I'm not mistaken.
  8. Thank you Fred. I think both the pro from Angelus and the feibings are both alcohol based dyes. But I am interested in the cellulose thinners you use to prepare the leather. Can you tell me more? Thank you.
  9. Thank you. I'm hoping that enough spitballers will help me get it figured out. I believe these hides were from Auburn Tanning before they sold out to China for their lace (not sure what all they are doing now in house) regardless, they had an entire separate facility that would color the hides. So, these we not colored in the tanning process. Anyway, perhaps the clue lies in their process. I still have a great opportunity with 4000 lbs of cowhide to purchase and I can not seem to get it figured. Thanks again for your response.
  10. Thank you. Dipped dyed the pieces. Plenty of coverage. No seal on hides; we soaked them for hours before dye bath. Can think of anything else but I'm gonna be excited if someone can figure it out.
  11. So, I bought some hides and dyed them dark brown and light brown using mainly Angelus pro dyes. Some pieces were dyed with full 100% dye, some were cut with a reducer. All are fading back to original color of tanned hide. This is a brand new phenomenon for me. I am certain it is the hide. Just not sure how to remedy. Thank you in advance for any experience. Hides. Chrome Tanned cowhide. Purchased from a leather lace tannery that closed its doors and moved operations to China. This was a bulk purchase with about 4,000 lbs. left of full hides and half hides. Thanks again for any help.
  12. I'm going to answer my own question with an article. If anyone else has a different opinion please let me know. It appears the chromium hides are treated with fats and oil, therefore the dying with potperm will probably catch fire. lol. Anyone have drum of cheap dye? Attached is a file of the webpage for those who like to read.
  13. Hey everybody. I was wondering if anyone has tried dying leather with PotPerm? I know as an antler dye it works well, however it is volatile around oil (so oil tan and veg tan are out of the question). However I just got in a load of chrome tan and looking for cheap dying solutions. 500 sq foot. probably more...need some experience if you have it. thank you.
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