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Big Papa Leather

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Status Updates posted by Big Papa Leather

  1. Just listed 18 Vintage Craftaids for sale in Marketplace.

  2. Help Me. My memory ran away. It started by jogging then broke out in a full sprint.

    1. Spence


      Mine's still at a jog, so let me know when you come across mine, k?

  3. Definition of Global Warming? Easy Bullsh>> Hoax devised by bad science and money hungry politicians.

  4. The Boogieman and Chuck Norris checks his closet for Starps before going to bed at night.

  5. Starp is the only white meat to NOT TASTE LIKE CHICKEN.

  6. Starp are in the same family as snipe. Only meaner and more teeth. Momma says they're so onery because they have all them teeth and no toothbrush.

  7. Talked to a local game warden. Apparently a pack of wild starps attacked a bunch of bunnies , puppies and kittens. No mercy... Exterminate all starps with extreme prejudice.

  8. Starp Cutter? Arn't Starps endangered?

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