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  • Location
    Tyler Tx
  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Dutch oven cooking and wood and leather working.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    All aspects of leather work especially sewing with a cowboy machine
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Researching the internet

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  1. I choose the 105. It will meet my budget and needs. The fact that I bought his lowest price machine even makes his service that much more incredible.
  2. I feel compelled to comment on my recent experience with Ryan Neal and cowboysew.com. I decided to bite the bullet and buy a machine that was capable of sewing more than 2 layers of thin upholstery leather. I spent weeks reading and researching the different machines out there. More importantly I had a tight budget. I finally focused on the Cowboy machines. This is where Ryan Neal comes in. Being uneducated on industrial machines I was seeking information from knowledgable sources. Ryan was unbelieveable in his willingness to educate me. I had three conversations with him over a few days. Each time I took massive amounts of his time seeking information. He was willing to invest his time and knowledge in me not knowing if I was a serious buyer or not. What Ryan did not know was how much I appreciated his time and williness to share with me. I am an older guy and I remember when customer service and attention to customers was the standard we expected. Unfortunately this is not the case with most of today's companies. Ryan Neal seems to be one on the few exceptions to that new lowered standard we all experience today with most companies. Ryan, you have made a loyal customer of me. I would like to encourage any one looking for a new machine to consider Ryan Neal and Cowboysew.com. They have old time values and customer focused service. Wow what a refreshing change. There are a lot of good machines out there now, but only a few backed by great customer service. Cowboy and Ryan Neal, seems like a good combination to me.
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