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Posts posted by hides

  1. Just wanted everyone to know that the May / June Hides To Art newsletter is now posted on www.hidestoart.com . Please take notice of the Free Stainless Steel, Hides to Art, brand border tool offer. This offer is for ("How To or Project") articles that are approved and published in future issues.See Steve's guidlines for approved artical.

  2. The Team of Hides to Art is going to do our part for the "Stimulus" package. Registration will continue until March 16, 2009 without a late fee.

    Yes, we know that it is not Billions of dollars in savings but with this package you learn from the Masters without having to travel West of the Mississippi River.

    Visit us at www.hidestoart.com for details about the Extreme Leather Workshop, located in Asheville, NC March 27th thru 29th 2009.

    There are a few slots still open in all classes.

    Please feel free to contact me at kevin@hidestoart.com should you have any questions.

    Hope to see you there.


  3. The Hides to Art, Jan – Feb, 2009 Newsletter is now posted at www.hidestoart.com

    The Hides to Art Team has decided to do our part to help with the stimulus package.

    Registration for the Second Annual Extreme Leather Workshop will go on until March 10th 2009 with out adding the $25.00 late fee. The Hotel room block will end as scheduled on Feb 23rd 2009. Sorry about that but we had no control on that one.

    We know it is not Billions of Dollars in savings but everything helps right?

    Hope to see you there


  4. Due to 2 unrelated deaths in my family, Thousands of miles driven and the fact of no DSL in the back woods of America the Hides to Art newsletter for January did not make it out. However the February newsletter will be out on the 16th. Steve and I are doing a double issue to make up for the loss of the January issue.

    Also I did miss many messages that were lost on my cell phone. Some of these were for registration. Please try again as I want very much to talk to you. (828-674-5070)

    Registration is still on track and the rooms that are blocked at the special price will be pulled at the end of this month.

    Please accept my apologies & thank all of you for your understanding in this matter.


  5. The Dec, Hides To Art newsletter is now posted at www.hidestoart.com

    I would like to apologize to all for the December newsletter being late this month. For reasons that are too many to list, I was finely able to post it tonight. Please check out this issue as we have original Pete Gorrell belt patterns. Also Steve has done another great lacing tutorial.

    This month Instructor Focus is on Bill Gomer – Riley Cornelius has written this article and hats off to his style. Riley spends much time in Bills shop and has a wonderful opportunity to learn from such a man. The Eagle head in the article is what Bill will be teaching at the Extreme Workshop. Please see the Saddle also pictured in the artical

    Also I would like to clear up a point that has come to our attention. The last day of registration is Feb 23, 2009, however after the 23rd a $25.00 late Processing fee will apply. Please note; the room rates will go to regular rate after the 23rd.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience’s on the newsletter


    AKA - - Hides

  6. Hides To Art's November newsletter is now posted. Once again the team has put together a fine publication for you review.

    Please note Steve and I will be doing a class at Zack Whites leather in Ramseur, NC January 2009.

    Also I will be doing a class at the Tandy store in Charlotte NC on Dec 6th 2008

    I must say the visit with Tim Cox at Zack's was a real experience I found things there that I had been looking for quite a long time. I would recommend to all, if you have a chance to go, you need to check it out. I am looking forward to teaching the class there just to have a day to look around. Tim was bringing out things that I have not seen in years,


    Thank all of you for your notes and letters of encouragement.

    Kevin & the Hides To Art Team

  7. Hello Johanna,

    Good talking to you also. I have been looking at the stats on the website and some interesting countries are looking at us. Class registration is going well and even with the worries of the economy people know that this is a must attend. As for some of the instructors, this is the first time they have ever crossed the Mississippi River.

    I will call you and let you know what transpired after we spoke. If you get a chance call me on the cell if I can’t reach you.

    As for teaching my classes on Monday nights in Asheville I am averaging 11 steady students. The 4-H leaders seem to be the most dedicated to learning. I have to take my hat off to them for learning. For every leader I can help I am actually helping 20 kids with the art.


    Steve and I will be going to Zack White’s to discuss teaching a class there for the people in that part of the state. As of now I am planning the trip there on Oct 18th. Maybe we can meet you there? If there is any group in that area you can think of that needs help please let us know and we will see what we can do.


  8. Hello Everyone,

    'Hides To Art' has posted our October edition of the free newsletter on the website: www.hidestoart.com.

    It contains a Bob Beard pattern as well as an instructor focus on Bob. Pictures from the IFoLG show & more

    The free subscriber version has a downloadable Bob Beard pattern never published before.

    Upcoming issues will include patterns from Pete Gorrell, George Hurst, Barry King and others.

    OK with that said, Who's pattern do you wish to see next? Pete, George or Barry? Please contact kevin@hidestoart.com with your vote.

    Hides To Art is always intrested in fresh information or patterns. Should you wish to see your work or ideas in the newsletter please contact: steve@hidestoart.com

    Please Note: Should you belong to a Guild or Club, please see the tooling partners section and contact me with your LOGO and website

    so we may post it. kevin@hidestoart.com

    The Hides To Art team hopes to see you in Asheville NC in March 2008.

    Be sure to see the Dec. newsletter as there will be an interesting announcement worth much to someone.

    Remember you never make a mistake, you only change your pattern!

    Thanks for taking a looking


  9. Art thank you for posting this. The site has had hits from: Canada, South Africa, Brizal, Switzerland, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Argentina, Spain, Italay, and all over the USA from edu - Mil domains. Many other places I can not tell where they are from as they come through as COOP domains.

    Steve has done a great job with the newsletter. Please note the new page on the website called tooling partners. This is for groups and Guilds that want a link to the site. Please pass this information to all that will hear.

    Pete Gorrell is doing a belt pattern for Oct issue. I expect it next week from him. And as you said Bob Beard is to hand over a pattern at the IfOLG show fo print around Christmas time. We are looking for other entrys for a special December issue. I will be printing how to make the Swhab at that time. If you have any thing or someone wants to enter a pattern or how to for the newsletter have them contact steve@hidestoart.com or myself kevin@hidestoart.com and we will get it into the newsletter.

    Thanks again


  10. I hand stitch SR all of the time. Contact a jeweler and get a couple of jewelers drill bits. These can be chucked into a dremmel moto tool. by pre drilling the project the needle will pass through easely and with out any problems. I finish my edge with dye and a slicker compound, then do blind stitches by spliting the leather about 1/4" back from the insert area. Roll the leather back and run my stitching wheel. I then drill the marked holes. I stitch it and then glue the split back togather with contact cement. if your edge finish is on, any contact cement that squishes out can be rolled up into balls and discarded. this method is great if you want a tight border to the insert and dont want thread to distract from your inlay.

    also these bits work wonders with newer style craft tools you wish to re-work. I know of no other place you can get the bits than from a Jeweler of jewelers supply house



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