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  1. If I'm making leather bracelets or something like a watch strap, is the type of leather a concern? I was wondering if chrome-tanned leather was alright for such use, or if the prolonged skin contact (and possibly sweat) might lead to sensitivity or toxicity issues. The alternative is veg-tanned, but my understanding is that's a lot stiffer than chrome tanned stuff.
  2. Thanks! When using this stuff (either of them really) how far in advance of braiding do I need to apply it and do I need to do anything in particular to clean it off afterwards?
  3. I've just started dipping my toes into this, and have a project where I'm going to be braiding some kangaroo lace around a core. From what I've read I need braiding soap, which leads me to David Morgan's recipe of Ivory soap, water and lard. Trouble is, making up a batch of that is a problem for me, as well as it being probably a lot more than I need. Is there some off the shelf alternative I could use? Fiebing's Aussie Leather Conditioner was suggested to me as an option, but I also figured I should ask here given the amount of experience about.
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