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Everything posted by SewNice336

  1. I had a similar issue. The replies to this post were extremely helpful to me. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for all of the good advice. I will try all later today.
  3. I have a Singer 95-10. I am wanting to change my stitch length to sew some light leather and get a better look. I can loosen the stitch length screw and move the lever up and down. However, the stitch length does not change. It is tight and too close together. Please help.
  4. I am new to Leatherworker.net. This thread was very helpful. I had been thinking about replacing the clutch motor on my Singer 95-10, but didn't know where to start. This thread answered all of the my questions. I hope to replace the motor in the next couple of weeks. I will keep you updated. THANKS OBOW60 AND ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED!
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