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    Fishing, hunting, bushcraft, slingshot shooting, traditional archery, leathercl crafter wannabe!

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  • Interested in learning about
    Everything! Knife sheaths mainly
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Just searching around trying to find helpfull places for beguiners in leatherworking

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  1. Hey buddy!! thank you! and the saq is not mine is for a friend idk of I understood what you mean... What about if the saw fit with the balde against the fold like this...do you guys think it will work? Thank you!
  2. Hello friends ! ! I'm having a big problem today so I hope and know that some people around here will help me I want to make a sheath for this folding saw....but I'm having problems due to the big buttom on the "snipe" of that saw,I've designed a sheath but that thing against the fold of the sheath seems like it wont work I would be greatfull for some help!! Cheers and Happy Christmas!
  3. Wow!! thank you so much for the nice comments! thanks for the critiques I'm sure many people here will help me guetting better so here we go! This was my first ever go at a leather product, all I used was a realy sharp knife to cut the leather, a homemade burnishing tool, waxed thread, a couple neddles, an awl, a regular fork, some sandpaper, dye and a portuguese beeswax based finishing wax . The sheath does have a welt, I marked the stiching line just by eyeballing and then I marked the holes with a two point cooking fork, and punched the holes with an awl! I saddle stich it, and I didnt used no edge beveler or groover! Since then I ordered a n2 edge beveler and a stich groover! The way how I did the sheath was, long story short...I disigned it on paper the size I though would be good (turned that it ended up to big) I then cutted the leather and wet formed it to the knife, I dyed the sheath, I stiched the belt loop, I glued the welt and the sheath, I dyed the edge, I burnished it, I stiched it and finaly I apllied some of the beeswax based wax that I have acess here! Let me honestly know what you guys think, what do I need to change?! I've seen vids of people cutting the sheath, dying it, stich it and only wet forme it in the end, others do it other way!!! how should I do it lol?!?! Here is a pic of the edge!! thank you very much!! I look foryard to learn as much as possible before doing another one!! and sorry for my bad english! I'm just a guy from Portugal!!
  4. Thank you very much!! sure is lol I forgot the pic!
  5. Hello guys!!! I just got into this forum due to a growing interest in leather working!! I will try to learn and get better, but for now this is what I finished the past weekend!! my first go at making a leather item!!! Thanks for looking ! some helpfull criticism is welcome!!!
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