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Posts posted by CrotalusCo

  1. I am new so go easy on me. This is my first holster, wet forming and even hand stitching. I have made a cuff, a key fob and this is leather project #3

    But in all seriousness I would like to hear feedback, tips tricks and suggestions. There is an indention mark as i used a clamp to hold the form, some defects in the finishing and the stitching needs work. Does anyone see anything else?

    post-7480-093638900 1316836468_thumb.jpg

  2. I am brand new and have made a few test runs that didnt turn out as expected. After reading here I have found some of my errors and have some questions.

    I have bought a few different dyes. My first few pieces i used cotton rags but have picked up a few wool daubers.

    Eco flo dye in multiple colors "after reading i have found to be a mistake"

    Eco Flo Gel antique dye

    Eco flo super shene

    Eco Flo Gum Tragacanth

    Fiebing's usmc black

    1) I have noticed in many of the postings here it is recommended to oil the leather first. Is this right? Do i do this on both tooled and untooled veg tan? Olive oil works is anything better?

    2) Many mention to buff after the dye coat. Am I to do this right after applying the color or after the color has dried?

    3) After color i have given a coat of the super shene however once i flexed or bent the leather it cracked through the color and the shene. Am I supposed to oil or wax afterwords or is that just the nature of the shene?

    4) Should i be burnishing and Gum the edges before or after the coloring process?

    5) What finishing process will work well if i only want to brighten the colors where the need for a shine takes a backseat to good deep color, yet maintain the softness and flexibility of the leather?

    Thank you much


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