Hello everyone! I've been admiring all the fantastic artisan work I see around (especially at my local renaissance festival) for a long time now. I do 2-D art, drawing and such, and I dabble in hand-sewing very rarely. I really want to step boldly into the world of artisan crafts, especially leather since it has so many awesome uses.
So, basically, I'm a total beginner. I've poked around to see some of the things that leatherworking involves, but I have so many questions and I have no idea where to begin.
My main question is this: What are the basic tools I'll need for cutting, shaping, engraving, sewing, coloring, etc? I see fifty different $100 knives and I have no clue which I should get. Are there basic tools that people use in most projects? Where should I get them, etc?
I think that if I can figure out what tools to get, I can start messing up.. err, I mean, practicing.
Thanks a lot for your time! (And if this thread is in the wrong forum, moderators, please move it and I'm really sorry. )