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  1. box for letters and documents
  2. Ok. Some more pics of the first box.
  3. www.masterberg.net
  4. high- and bas-relief stamping on the leather
  5. Jewelry boxes, chests, and boxes are made of soft, warm leather especially in a single copy, because many of them are impossible to replicate. They were pleasant to hold in hands, and to store cute little things dear to the heart (jewelry, trinkets, and photos of the beloved ones). They easily fit into any decor, bringing warmth and comfort of leather, and unique style, created by the craftsman’s hands.
  6. Jewelry boxes, chests, and boxes are made of soft, warm leather especially in a single copy, because many of them are impossible to replicate. They were pleasant to hold in hands, and to store cute little things dear to the heart (jewelry, trinkets, and photos of the beloved ones). They easily fit into any decor, bringing warmth and comfort of leather, and unique style, created by the craftsman’s hands.
  7. The book contains paintings of Shakespeare’s contemporaries. The sonnets are in the English language and the Russian translation by S. Marshak. The book is printed on textured paper, sewn, cut and bound by hand. Binding is manufactured using high- and bas-relief stamping on the leather. Each copy is numbered and signed by the craftsman. Additional printing of the book is available on order. The general circulation is of no more than 50 copies. It has a collection value. Size 20×32 cm.
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