First, I started making custom moccasins in 1978 so my opinion is experienced-based. I have always used Barge Cement because I don't think anything else is better and my work requires a strong bond while I'm working on projects. The glue doesn't seem to be as good as it once was, you can no longer buy an 8 oz can which I prefer because the glue gets thick with use and age and thinning weakens the expected bond. I've tried other brands as options and found them all to be lacking. Recently bought a can of S-18. Like the other wannabe's it's not Barge works well where a lesser bond is adequate and leaves almost no cruddy glue balls on the lid area even after weeks of use. It's cheaper, you can buy it in several sizes including 8 oz, it has a shorter pot life and it's still not Barge but might be a good option for some others.