Dear leatherworkers,
I am a South African living in the Eastern Cape in the small town called Grahamstown. I am a independent tour operator and take tourists throughout Southern Africa, that is SA, Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe. I am new to leatherworks and always wanted to work with leather as a hobby since a little boy. Now I spotted and bought a Singer 29K71 Patcher for South African Rand 2000.- which is about US$ 140.- from a local antique shop and can't wait to get started. It is in a wonderful condition, I have cleaned it and threaded it , adjusted the bobbin rotation as per manual but I can't get the needle to pick up the yarn from the bobbin. I went through all the settings as per manual but have to give up after a while as it is very frustrating to be held back.
Please, if you can give me advice as to how to go about solving this problem I would greatly appreciate this. if you want to visit Southern Africa give me a shout too.
Many thanks and hope to get leather sewing soon.