I finally got myself into gear and started doing something that interested me a long time ago, And now that I have I am loving it, I'm not good at it (yet) and I certainly doubt i'll get to the level of some but my main aim is to enjoy what I do.
I purchased a bag of offcuts and then decided to get the tools etc and have dabbled a little on the 3 projects so far, not the cleanest (altho the passport holder i wanted to make look well traveled and warn round the edges)
I am slowly getting the hang of things and making my mistakes and learning.
I'm still learning and well I always will be learning something (if you aren't learning you're doing life wrong)
I have included my tumbler which has a few more pictures, I plan to chronicle my journey by the projects I complete, more for me than anything but allows me to show off my progress in 1 place. https://leathercraft-by-mutt.tumblr.com/
Thanks for having me here and i look forward to asking many questions in the future