Hi guys. What a great forum! I've learned so much already, reading old posts. I come to leather through my love of old machines. I started collecting domestics, but recently branched out into some industrials I always wanted(including a 29-4 I'm refurbishing, as well as as a 111W103). Now I'm in deep and loving it.
Today I picked up a pair of 153 machines, and would love some advice about them. I know this is a popular machine type, and some of the modern machines are based on this design. For starters, I'm wondering if there are any parts or functional differences between the 153W103, and the 153K103? I got one of each. Is there any argument to choose one over the other, based on model alone?
I have read here and elsewhere, that if too worn, these machines can be a bit of a nightmare. What would be the best way to determine which of my samples is best in that regard, once they are cleaned, oiled, and moving well?
It looks like the feet for my 111W103 might also work on these machines. Is that correct? Do they share a needle type? What about the bobbins? It would be truly excellent if they shared all these...
What would be the largest thread needle combination I can run on one of these 153 machines?
Ok last question. Is this stand I picked up with this flat feller acceptable for a 153? It seems like it should be perfect. I will get a servo and speed reducer, once I have a machine ready to work.
Thanks for any and all responses. I got these machines so cheap that even if they end up completely worn out, I will make my money back by selling the Atlanta folder, and a few parts. Of course I'm hoping that with y'alls advice, I can get them both going again, or at least one.