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Everything posted by Iden

  1. Hi Danno If you want detailed plans to make a pony I have them listed on etsy. They are for a folding stitching horse with the clamp which can be operated in several ways, materials list is supplied. Clamp can be used by itself to make a pony you sit on on your own chair. About 40 photos of every step is included. It is a PDF downloadable file found at https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/515597211/stitching-pony-and-stitching-horse-plans. I hope this helps. Iden
  2. If you want detailed plans I have them listed on etsy. They are for a folding stitching horse with the clamp which can be operated in several ways, materials list is supplied. About 40 photos of every step is included. It is a PDF downloadable file found at https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/515597211/stitching-pony-and-stitching-horse-plans. I hope this helps. Iden
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