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    Oakhurst, CA
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    painting. design

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  1. Thanks! I took another look at the motor mounting, and found it may allow some movement without drilling new holes--but to be sure must remove it first as it has a 3/8" heavy rubber(??vibration damper) mounting that covers the bolt slots--at least the rubber has slots, but cannot see the actual metal mount. LOL--since it is 27 degrees outside and studio is not heated, my further investigation will wait until at least noon. I had considered a servo motor but thought they might not have enough torque, and this machine came with the clutch motor. My husband will also check out the motor motor mounting with me. now that he finally understands what I want to do to slow it down. I have also read that even a speed control will not slow it down enough to be just over hand turning speed . It will take awhile, but I will post when it is done and I can do more than stitch fabrics. Thank you again.
  2. I have watched a few videos on adding larger pulleys, shaft, pillow blocks to slow down the sewing speed. All are fairly explanatory--except--it seems that either the machine to small pully, or clutch motor to large pulley will be out of alignment once installed. So-- is the clutch motor repositionable side to side to allow better line up of pulleys and belts? None of the videos I have watched have addressed moving the motor itself. Thank you
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