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Everything posted by weepingdragon

  1. I contacted the Leatherwork Museum and all of their sources are from early late 18th/19th century. Thanks again
  2. Does anyone have any tricks for getting a large field of geometrics/basketweave without skew? Doing large areas has always been my bugga-boo, after about the 3rd-4th row my pattern does weird things and getting to line up again does not make for happy times. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance
  3. I'll contact them and see what they have for info, thanks
  4. Hello, Does anyone know the origin or know of any old documentation that discusses stitching/saddlers clams/clamps? I was under the impression when I purchased mine 35 years ago that they were a late 16th/early 17th invention. Doing the "Goog" , it says that they have been in use in Europe "for centuries", but don't define "centuries". Thanks for any input
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