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Everything posted by poisoncreek

  1. Hi there Gregg. Could you tell me what part of the country you're located in??
  2. I agree with Bruce, I have the weaver special or not so special. I tried to modify the top, still does not work real well. Theresa
  3. You can try Oregon Leather out of Portland, Oregon. Or......Montana Leather.
  4. Hi, I was just reading the comments about John Hopper. I was a correctional officer at the state prison in Boise, Idaho and yes that is where John Hopper resides. I remember him because he was in the unit I worked in. He is doing time for kidnapping his wife, he tops his sentence in 2012. He scooted around in a wheelchair and refused to walk, I'm not sure why. Anyway that's the low-down on John Hopper. Theresa
  5. Hi there. I'm located in South Western Idaho, you can throw a rock and hit a saddlemaker in every direction. I went to saddle school thru a local saddlemaker and learned a good foundation. Since then I contacted Nancy Hoggan located in Gooding, Idaho and arranged for a day in her shop. Just this week I contacted another saddlemaker about 30 minutes from me in hopes of dropping in and picking his brain. I am amazed at the willingness of these saddlemakers to share their knowledge with just a phone call. If possible this is the best route. I have most of the books, but hands on is the best Theresa
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