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  1. Uwe, holy cow... it literally just lifted right out. I didn't even think of that. Ok. I'm good now... This is why using this forum is so awesome. Question answered.
  2. Yeah, it's moving with me. I have identified 2 tiny little screws that attach the head to the hinge, but haven't found the best way to remove those. Any thoughts on how to get the head off? Thanks for the advise so far. --Ben
  3. How do I disassemble and package the Consew 206rb5 (with table) for a move across the country?
  4. The leather is about 4mm thick...
  5. Thanks for the advise so much. I got it fixed. It was the hook timing that was off. I really like the top stitch, but the bottom stitch looks a little off to me. Is this normal? Look in particular at the stitch closest to the edge
  6. Thanks for the instructions. I fixed the jam problem So rewarding. I have a new problem now though. The bobbin thread is not being picked up from the needle. What should I adjust next.
  7. Hello Everyone. I'm a greenhorn machine sewer... I have been doing my leatherwork by hand up until I bought a consew 206rb-5. The machine bound up the first time I used it with Groz-Beckert 135x16 - Size 140 / 22 - DH Point - a.k.a. DPx16 needle and Nylon - Size 138 - Sand (Fil-Tec) - Bonded - Nominal 2 thread. I followed instructions on how to thread the machine and bobbing but noticed that the thread was catching on the eye on the needle. At that moment, the machine stopped working. I looked in the bobbin case area and found a thread trapped. I noticed though that the bobbin finger was preventing the machine from rotating? I'm starting taking things apart to try to find the problem, which I never did.... help . I am still not able to turn the machine around fully. I tried to push the button to reset too, but I cannot make the machine rotate whenI push the button. Suggestions are appreciated. I may have taken the machine out of time by now with all the parts that I've taken off to figure out where it is bound.
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