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  1. Not sure why it wouldn't let me add text to the original post so I'm putting it here :-). I have the harness in the photo above and am looking for one in black. I'm located near Calgary, AB (Canada) Can take more photos, measurements etc as required and could even ship this harness to be used as a template if required. Let me know if you are interested in this project and we can work out logistics :-). Thanks Melissa
  2. Thanks so much for all the feedback. I think I am just going to leave it as is. It is functional now and fits my boy so that is the most important thing. Going back to where I got it from is not going to happen so I think I will just use it as is for now. Anyone out there looking for a project? My best option for getting the black harness I really want is to get one made in black...so I'll post a request in the Help Wanted forum and see if I get any bites. I'm pretty sure I could find a buyer for the brown one if I can get the black one I really want :-). Thanks again, I appreciate all of your thoughts. Melissa
  3. Super! Thanks for the detailed instructions :-). I do have a question though...am I able to 'paint' the dye on the pieces that have felt stitched to the backs of them? I won't be able to get the felt off and am not sure what will happen to the felt if I dip it in the dye. Ok...two questions...will the regular Fiebing black dye work? I have some of that already from an old horse tack project I did. Thanks again! Melissa
  4. Hello Leather Experts! I'm totally new to the world of leatherwork and am looking for some advise. I ordered a carting harness for my dog and when I received it, discovered it is a brownish red colour instead of the black I had requested. I had to twist a couple arms and call in a favour to even get the harness made so returning it for a black one isn't an option. I spent a bunch of time on the web looking at options for dyeing it and most of the information I can find shows examples using what looks like untreated (not previously dyed) leather. Because of the reddish brown colour of my piece I'm thinking it has already been dyed. Can I dye over it? Can I use vinegroon to make it black (I started making some solution just in case). Is changing the colour just too risky and is there a good chance I'm going to ruin the harness before I even put it to use? I know...lots of questions :-). That's why I'm here... Please help! I've attached some photos of the harness as I'm not exactly sure what kind of leather it even is. I welcome any and all feedback and suggestions...even if they are to just leave it alone and use it as is. Thanks Melissa
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