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About Trunkdreamingnewbie

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Location
  • Interests
    Propmaking and historical reeanactment (year 1533 in the northern jutland of Denmark

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    not sure what I have to learn yet but ill get there
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    through a lot of google research about leather

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  1. Thank you all so so much for you quick and kind answers I will take all of your advice to heart an head straight to amazon for the sugested books The next stop will be a trip to get the basic tools for my first project, which i suspect will be a dog collar... And again Thank you. I am a bit overwhelmed with the kindness you have all shown me. PS: I will update when I have progress to show
  2. Hi. I am a complete newbie, and quite in doubt about what tools to get, and what projects to start up with in order to build the right skillset, to be able to end up with by dream project wich is a fully funktioning steamertrunk made of leather. I am prepared that this will take me years, and maybe even decades... but I have already been building my skills in other ancient crafts for 8 years... and what are ten or twenty more in the grand scheme of things? the best pictures of my dream project I could find are below... maybe some of the old dogs in here can tell from them what skills I will need and what smaller projects to start up with. Thank you so much in advance
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