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  1. Hiall, Just about ready to sew something on my new 2 me 45k21, need bobbin threading instructions? Looked on line and find parts lists for free but need to pay for instructions. Anybody walk me thru the process. or just a place that may have the instructions i can print up please and thank you. jeff in PA
  2. Trox, Thanks that link worked for the general instructions. The parts that seem to be missing are on the thread tention plate at the front. I have the bottom spring take-up tentioner, bottom left corner. I see two other devices there as well, top left looks like thread guide and center look like main thread trention knob. I'm missing the last two. Going to try an old tentioner off another machine for now and try to get the stock set-up if that does'nt work. Other than that the machine feels very smooth and looked new inside. thanks for the help. jeffinPA
  3. Hiall, Just found a great machine for cheap. Adler 267 gk 373 in good to great shape. Seems to be some parts missing and need to know some other rudamentry things as well. Where would be the best place to find an instruction booklet, have been looking but don't see this model. Parts book would be a help as well. Got it all cleaned and oiled and ready to test drive. Thanks for any help that arrives.... JeffinPA
  4. couple of used machines for sale.. singer 45K21 post bed in good working order........... 350.00 singer 29U173A in great shape, hardly used at all.. hand wheel, foot treadle, motor.... 400.00 singer 111w155 in good working order with servo motor, several feet configurations.......... 550.00 all machines are in Pipttsburgh PA......... jeff@ 412. 874 77 eight nine
  5. Hiall, Just cleaned up a 29-4 I picked up this weekend. All seems fine but the stitches per inch. I have the retainer bracket on the needle bar down as far as possible and the stitches are still very close together. Any tricks I might use. Is there still some crud binding up the works somewhere? Something worn out? thanks Jeff in PA
  6. Hiall, cabinetmaker / upholstery here in pittsburgh. Looking for some faux stingray fabric for cabinet treatments. Found Nassimi.com makes some fauxray but can't find a distribtor here? anyone with an possible supplier for this material?? I sew on an old w155 and a phaff 130. Thanks in advance. jeff in pa
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