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Everything posted by ukasmk

  1. Hi, Would anybody know what type of machine to use to cut lightweight ( 0.6mm) bindings ( in quite a large quantity ) to use in a single fold binder on a 205 type machine. We have seen the strap cutters used to cut belts in bulk, but we are unsure if they are suitable for use on thinner leathers? We are based in the Uk Thanks in advance
  2. Hello all When adding piping to a heavy leather such as bridle or any 3 mm etc leather, do any of you have any tips to this. I am talking of machine work like on the 441's, 205's, 969's. Not handstitching. The reason I ask is with thinner leather or material you can use a piping/welt foot and get the needle right down the edge of the piping but on the heavy leathers, especially on the second layer of leather, you don't have room in a foot. If you skive down the leather too much it alters the final look of the piece along the seam so I usually mark a stitch line all the way around to follow, the try and keep things consistent so you know where it will fall underneath on the piping but this can still be hit and miss, especially if you are using a lighter needle and you get needle deflection. Look forward to hearing your replies ukasmk
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