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About AaronDouglasWales

  • Birthday 06/11/1987

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    Jervis Bay NSW, Australia.

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  1. Hello fellow leather craftsmen I am offering this beautiful Mayer and Flamery Machine a Parer for sale. These machines were made in Paris around the turn of the century and their reputation exceeds that of the famous J. Dixon or Osbourne splitters and are rare today even in France! The splitter is in perfect condition with a professionally hollow ground blade, honed and ready for another 100 years of service. This has been my backup machine, but honestly I only hone my own blade twice a year so there is no need for two machine when one of you folks could put it to good use! I am asking 2000 AUD for the machine or the nearest offer. Kind Regards, Aaron.
  2. Hello again bikermutt This particular tool was made by Mayer & Flamery a former foreman at Blanchard (before the factory moved to Romilly) who in 1900 stole all the model blueprints and the list of customers before his persecution before the courts. However Mayer & Flamery continued to sucessfully manufacture his machine a parer until 1960. It should be known that his machine a parer was actually an adaptation of the American Osbourne 83 leather splitter with only few modifications to the lever and blade guard (The later osbourne 84 is still manufactured today) The Blanchard factory was established in 1823 which is during the final years of the Industrial Revolution. In fact all of their tools were hand made entirely by hand and each component was numbered specifically for that tool. It wasn't until after the war 1914-1918 they started to incorporate forged brass components in their plough gauges, pricking wheels and washer cutters. This according to many eminent European saddlers Mark's the end of Blanchards reputation. So I agree completely with your statement about the IR influencing the manufacturing of leatherwork tools, however it didn't really come to play until something like 75 years after the revolution had finished. While American was just coming into it's own at the beggining of the Industrial Revolution, it wasn't until the end of the IR my country came into hers. Can't find a single old leatherwork tool made by an Australian company. Kind Regards, ADW. .
  3. Your correct Chris, no hard feelings! The only piece of English engineering I use as a leather craftsman is my Pearson no 6. Which is something like a late Victorian pump house and in my opinion the best sewing machine ever made! ADW.
  4. G'day Bikermutt, When one looks through the history of leatherwork tools the French (along with the Germans) seem consider the beauty of the tool itself not only the function and longevity. While the old American and English tools seem to be less elegant but perfectly functional and robust! (This is my opinion only, wouldn't want any cultural arm wrestles on the forum) Regards, ADW.
  5. Hello Gary, The Leather splitter will be sent from 2574 NSW, Australia. Regards, Aaron.
  6. Hello fellow leather craftsmen I am offering this beautiful Mayer and Flamery Machine a Parer for sale. These machines were made in Paris around the turn of the century and their reputation exceeds that of the famous J. Dixon or Osbourne splitters and are rare today even in France! The splitter is in perfect condition with a professionally hollow ground blade, honed and ready for another 100 years of service. This has been my backup machine, but honestly I only hone my own blade twice a year so there is no need for two machine when one of you folks could put it to good use! I am asking 2000 AUD for the machine or the nearest offer. Kind Regards, Aaron.
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