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Everything posted by debarooni64

  1. I fixed it all! Hubby made me a fmq foot. I broke the presser foot lifter lever....hubby fixed that. Now to master the right tension for free motion quilting. Ok so hubby really fixed it all, lol! Thnx for the help!
  2. Sooooo...My husband fixed the bowl shape darning foot I currently have by grinding open the front part of the bowl making it open toed. Works great! But then I was loosening the presser foot tension and I think it disingaged something inside when I maybe loosened it too much and now my presser foot lifter doesnt work. Ugh! Any ideas about this issue? I really hate to think about opening the head but I cant see anything wrong from the outside. I would appreciate your help! Thnx
  3. Yes thats exactly it! I have been searching for one that will fit. Thnx for the tips!
  4. Hi! My main hobby is not leather works. My husband did make a wallet on my machine, but I am a quilter. I bought the Consew 220 because of its ability to handle several layers of materials, and its large throat space. I want to do free motion quilting on it, but I would need to lower the feed dogs or cover them....I have them covered right now. And I was hoping to find n open toe darning foot that will fit so I can see my stitches as I move the material around. Im here because I googled my machine name trying to find out info and you were one of the few real deals. Btw I already changed out the motor to a new Servo. I cant find any info from the company....I even called them and they said they didnt have anything on this model. Reading some of your posts clearly shows you know industrial machines. Please help....what have I got, what can I do and are there any possible open toed feet that would feet? Thnx in advance!
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