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    Anything vintage but mostly old knives.

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    Everything about leather and knives.
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  1. I've already gotten loads of good advice on my previous thread, but I'm curious as to what type of Lacing or thread I should get to use on a knife sheath. The Lacing looks quite thick and durable but is that what I should go for? There also seems to be multiple different types of both to choose from as well. What do y'all use on your knife sheaths and is there something I should use to prepare the thread or what have you prior to stitching?
  2. Awesome, thank you very much John! I'll definitely be buying the books when I get back from being on the road. Those starter kits for tools look like they'd be helpful. Thanks again!
  3. Sweet! I didn't honestly think I would get much help on sites like these. People I've come into contact with seem to want to keep they're methods and products to themselves. I'm glad that it isn't the case with everyone, lol.
  4. Awesome, very useful info. I really appreciate it. I'm leaning more towards just making a new sheath and customizing it to my daily needs. I hadn't thought of looking up videos on YouTube but that's a great idea. Thanks again, I really appreciate the help and advice. :-)
  5. Fantastic! Thank you very much. I think I probably will do both the restore and make a fully new sheath more customized to my liking. What stores would I buy those products at?
  6. Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to leatherworking, I've only made a few things at this point and I'm still quite the novice. However, I'm very eager to learn. At th moment I have a Solingen knife, made in Germany, with the original leather sheath. The knife itself needs some TLC but the sheath is what I'm here for. It's from the 50's and it hasn't been taken care of at all. It's got stains on it, the leather itself is very dry and weak. I went to pop the leather buckle open so I could use the knife and part of the leather strap for the buckle ripped right off. What I want to know is if there's a way to restore it to strength or if it would be better to just make a new one? Any help is greatly appreciated. I will post before and after pics if it's agreeable.
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