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Everything posted by iammoffat

  1. iammoffat


    Hello, I am looking for a sewing machine service person in the Oklahoma City or Oklahoma area. I have an old Adler 169-373. Thanks in advance for any information on a service, repair, person.
  2. I recently started working on a Fortuna Skiving Machine, Model F. Very old and not properly taken care of. My goal was to get the machine running which it does. I have two issues with the machine belt type and size, and the bell knife will not adjust. Between my husband and myself we are very mechanically inclined and can usually fix almost anything. The issue is I have no manual for the old unit and can't seem to locate one. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can look for proper belt diameter and length and how to take the bell knife shaft apart? Thank You in advance for any help offered.
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