So I ran a few “tests” on my 4500 to see what the impact of this hook-to-scarf delta had in my application and came to some really interesting conclusions that are somewhat different than what I had expected. To start, I choose the largest needle I had(27/250) and adjusted the hook-to-scarf clearance to 0.5mm. I have never really measured this setting before, only adjusted by “eye” but the 0.5mm seemed to be a much larger gap than normal for me. With the stitch length at the maximum, I had no missed stitches in forward or reverse. So then I changed to the smallest needle I have(22/140), swapped out thread both top and bottom and tested again. This time, I had no missed stitches in forward, but I did have one missed stitch in reverse. I’m not sure if this had any relation to the larger gap, or my not so great handling of the material
For test two, I put the scarf to hook back to “normal” for me and shortened the needle bar height by 0.5mm (raising the needle eye in relation to the hook point) and repeated the tests above. This time it was very obvious that the adjustments were off as it missed nearly all of the stitches in both directions!
This tells me that for this particular scenario, the relationship of the hook point to the needle eye was more critical for the hook to catch the loop than the distance from the hook point to scarf. From a logical perspective, I can’t imagine that this would be the same for every machine as most of the machines that I am familiar with form a loop that is taller than it is wide. This makes me think there is more tolerance in the height relationship than there is the width. There are also so many other influences on the size of the loop that it is hard for me to know exactly which has the most effect.
In normal operation for me with both the 4500 and the 3200, I regularly switch between needle sizes without any adjustments other than tension and seldom have any issues. Thank goodness for such a versatile platform!
Anyway, very interesting topic for me and another great learning experience! Thanks for all the input!
Now to put all the adjustments back so it can run……